I fell in love with clay during my senior-year of high school…

With an angel-on-earth teacher, Robin Craig, we made whistles, threw on the wheel, learned hand-building, and made a teapot as our final project.

When I graduated and went to Penn State from 2007 - 2010, my very favorite schoolwork-stress-reliever was The Creative Oasis; a pottery studio on Beaver Avenue (the current location of Webster’s Bookstore & Cafe, so to be fair, still one of my favorite places.)

But then, I moved away and got really into the careery-ness of all the job stuff… and then, even when I moved back to central PA, I was still pretty caught up in all of the jobbiness (and also food blogging).

I didn’t rediscover ceramics until 2021 when ZB bought me a class at The Rivet. It was called Wheel Throwing: A Crash Course; and that was all it took to get me back into it! It was like I never stopped.

I started making lots of things, as one does, and settling into the process. As I experimented and played, a very me style started to emerge. COLOR. Which ones? All. Rainbow please.

The Rivet is my happy place now — each cycle of wedging, shaping, firing, and glazing eases the stress that tends to tangle in my brain. The energy in this place oozes creativity, acceptance, and a willingness to try. All of the staff and volunteers are so knowledgeable, patient, and kind, and I've collected a little crew of makerfriends.

CLAY, as a subject, is deeper than the 64 gallon trash cans used to recycle our beloved clay bodies. When my attention wanders, there’s always a task to be done, bisque to look at, a hack to blow my mind, or a friend to chat with on the other side of the studio.

The moment I get sick of the wheel, I can shift gears to hand-building, or carving, or painting, or mason stains, or transfers, or any number of infinity things to learn and try.

And don’t forget the best feeling ever.

Those sweet Christmas-morning-like butterflies.

Some combination of hope, surprise, awe, joy, and pride…

As my ceramic creations (beebees)… fresh from the kiln, gleam up at me from the glaze shelf…

Just waiting to be greeted with an eager “eeeee!’ and a little smooch. <3